Level-1 geolocation website for MODIS, VIIRS, and GOES-R ABI and GLM.
Our goal is to facilitate simple storage, delivery, and exploration of IPATS results.
Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer of Terra (launched 1999) and Aqua (launched 2001). More...
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite of the JPSS satellite, Suomi-NPP (launched October 2011). More...
US Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-series. GOES-16 (launched November 2017) and GOES-17 (launched March 2018) are currently in operation. More...
Advanced Baseline Imager of the GOES-R series. ABI has 16 channels and produces 3 types of data: Full Disk, Continental U.S., and Mesoscale.
Geostationary Lightning Mapper of the GOES-R series.
Image Navigation and Registration.
INR Performace Assessment Tool Set. IPATS was developed to assess the GOES-R ABI and GLM INR performance. Read more in the JARS 2020 paper.
To fully assess the INR accuracy of level-1B ABI images, IPATS produces five types of INR quality assessment metrics:
All 16 of ABI's channels are compared in FFR, every pair is compared in CCR, and only a subset of channels (1-7 and 11-16) are analyzed in NAV. IPATS outputs each metric into three aggregation schemes: no aggregation, scene-based aggregation, and daily aggregation. The Dashboard uses daily aggregated results in its tables and uses the scene-based aggregation for its plots.